
Welcome to the website for the parishes of Shotley, Chelmondiston, Harkstead and Erwarton.
After the upheaval of the pandemic, for our worship we have now settled back into a pattern of two services on a Sunday. Information about these services can be found under “What’s on” on the weekly pew/news sheet tab. Basic information about arranging baptisms, weddings or funerals can be found under the tabs above. Any questions, just be in touch and we will do our best to help in whatever way we can!

Revd Canon Liesbeth Oosterhof


Kindle in our hearts, O God,
the flame of that love which never ceases,
that it may burn in us, giving light to others.
May we shine for ever in your temple,
set on fire with your eternal light,
even your Son Jesus Christ,
our Saviour and Redeemer
Amen. (Columba 597)

Rector's Blog

You are very welcome for a talk by Simon Leatherdale about swifts and their nest boxes going up in St Andrew’s tower on Saturday morning 10th February Read more →
If you have any old Palm Crosses lying around, please return them to church so we can burn them to make the ashes for the Ash Wednesday Read more →