About St Mary’s Church, Shotley

Although a church building is already mentioned in the Domesday book, the beginnings of our current building go back to 1300 when the present nave and aisles were built. Through the ages people have left their marks on our wonderful building. Some by changing or adding to the building, others by their graffiti! It is only because several layers of lime wash have peeled off the columns that these images have become partially visible.


Shotley2The church is always open during the day. Please come in to pray, look around or simply sit and have a rest.

St Mary’s is found a long way outside both Shotley and Shotley Gate at the point where Church Walk, Old Hall Road and Frogs Alley meet. Our post code is IP9 1ES.

Our historic naval links become clear through the memorials inside the church and the Naval Cemeteries that are part of our churchyard. The Remembrance Sunday service is attended by people coming from far and wide and our Rector is chaplain to the HMS Ganges Association.




Shotley32 On the second Sunday of the month we gather for ShotleyFamily@Church planned with all ages in mind. There is a service of Holy Communion on the fourth Sundays of the month. Please check the service rota for the occasional deviation from our usual service pattern. Here you can also find in which parish the benefice service on the fifth Sunday of the month is.

Our loop system helps people with hearing aids and we provide large print orders of service for those who prefer them.

We regularly have baptisms and weddings in St Mary’s. Please have a look at the information pages or contact the Rector or Andrew Coulson for more information.


Every 2nd Wednesday of the month many members of our congregation are involved with organising a soup lunch in The Village Hall. This lunch time activity is much appreciated by villagers and ramblers alike.SubMarinersMem

We have strong links with Shotley Community Primary School. Our Reader, Mr Andrew Coulson, is a school governor and the school celebrates most of their Harvest, Christmas and Easter services in Church. They always have a special church service on Remembrance Day, when we gather at the Submariner’s Memorial at the bottom of the churchyard.

If you would like a listening ear after a bereavement, or would like to discuss funeral arrangements, you can always contact the Rector or one of the other members of the ministry team.

Members of St Mary’s are often involved in Village activities like e.g. the Good Neighbour Scheme.

Our churchwarden is Mrs Maureen Coulson (787304).

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