The experience people have of death is different for everybody. You may be visiting this page because you have been recently bereaved and are at a loss what to do next. You may have reached the point in your life you want to think through what you would like to happen at your own funeral. Whatever the reason, we are here to help and support you.
When someone has died for whom you have to arrange the funeral, the first thing to do is to contact your Funeral Director. They will explain to you everything you need to do and will contact the rector if you would like a funeral service in one of our churches, or if you would like us to look after a service at the crematorium. However, if you would prefer to speak with the rector first, please call her on 01473 781902.
Please note that our PCCs are required to abide by the Diocesan Churchyard Rules. If you would like to enquire about memorials or about what can be placed on a grave in the churchyard, the rector can advise and the complete set of churchyard rules is displayed in the church porch.