Easter is on!

Probably a month ago, someone said to me: “Easter is off!” Although it didn’t really sink in then, you and I know what was meant by that. Easter though, is never off! This year Easter may be unlike what it used to be, but Easter is on.
Today, Holy Saturday, our feelings of bewilderment about the havoc and uncertainty caused by the Coronavirus outbreak may not be all that dissimilar to how the disciples felt that day after Jesus’ death on Good Friday. They were in mourning and scared of what the future would bring. In a way we live in a prolonged Holy Saturday, in which we can but hope and pray. Although God might have felt absent to the disciples that Easter Eve, he wasn’t. He was ready to do the unimaginable, fulfilling that promise we hear each Christmas: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”

May the Light of Christ shine in our darkness, this Easter and for evermore.